
Analysis of directives and policies for active building EPC

The deliverable 1.1 - Analysis of directives, policies, measures and regulation relevant for the Active Building EPC concept and business models has b[...]


Second General Assembly went fully digital

The second AmBIENCe General Assembly took place on 8th and 9th July through digital channels. The meeting was planned to be held at INESC TEC, Porto, [...]


AmBIENCe webinar series: review the three presentations on enablers and barriers for Active EPC

The first series of AmBIENCe webinars were held 11- 29 June. Marialaura Di Somma (ENEA), Nilufar Neyestani (INESC TEC) and Lieven Vanstraelen (Energin[...]


The AmBIENCe webinar series: enablers, barriers and opportunities for Active Building Energy Performance Contracting

The Horizon 2020 project AmBIENCe is launching a series of interactive webinars to discuss with stakeholders the concept of Active Building Energy Per[...]


"Accelerating the transition to a low-carbon future through innovative business models and price based service contracts" webinar

Maarten de Groote, from VITO, presented AmBIENCe’s approach on the webinar “Accelerating the transition to a low-carbon future”, held on 21st April. T[...]


AmBIENCe project was presented at the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum

On 18th and 19th February, Maarten De Groote (VITO) and Lieven Vanstraelen (Energinvest) were in Brussels, Belgium, presenting AmBIENCe project, its o[...]


The first AmBIENCe General Assembly gathered all partners in Spain

The first AmBIENCe General Assembly took place on 4th and 5th February in San Sebastian and Eibar, Spain, hosted by two partners CEIT and Tekniker. [...]


AmBIENCe at the EERA Steering Committee Meeting

On 23rd October, AmBIENCe project was presented to the members of the 32nd Steering Committee of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Pr[...]