On 23rd October, AmBIENCe project was presented to the members of the 32nd Steering Committee of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Program on Smart Grids. The meeting took place at INESC TEC (Porto, Portugal) as a part of bi-annual steering committee meeting of EERA JP SG partners.


Nilufar Neyestani (INESC TEC, WP leader), presented the project on behalf of Chris Caerts (Vito, project coordinator) and also the questionnaire of AmBIENCe on behalf of Marialaura Di Somma (ENEA, WP leader) who is the main responsible for the study on the current status of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) and Demand Response (DR) programs in EU member states.


EERA, which includes partners from INESC TEC (Portugal), IK4 (Spain) e ENEA  (Italy) brings together around 250 research centres and universities across 30 countries and works together with industry stakeholders to coordinate research and innovation priorities. This network provides AmBIENCe the tools needed to engage a broad range of relevant stakeholders in the energy efficiency field across Europe and beyond the countries of the project partners. Therefore, all EERA members were invited to fill in the AmBIENCe’s questionnaire and provide their view point on the status and barriers in their country for further development of EPC and DR.