Active building Energy Performance Contracting (AEPC) in Italy – AmBIENCe Italian workshop
November 30, 2021, 10:00 – 12:30 (CEST)

We are going to organize an online workshop with our Italian partner ENEA to reinforce the aim to extend the concept of energy performance contracting for active building and making the model available and attractive to a wider range of building typologies.

The objective of the workshop is to make the Italian stakeholders aware about the opportunities associated with the implementation of the Active Building Energy Performance Contracts (EnPC), both with a view to expanding their business and in terms of reducing environmental impacts related to buildings consumption.

The national stakeholders will be involved in a roundtable discussion on the topics presented by the AmBIENCe consortium, and will investigate the ESCOs’ perspective on flexibility in buildings with current barriers and potential recommendations to overcome them.

If you are interested and want to join the event, please get in touch with Ing. Marialaura Di Somma from our Italian partner ENEA.


  • Roberta d’Angiolella
    Senior Communications Manager
    BPIE – Buildings Performance Institute Europe