Belesco & AmBIENCe joint event
20 20
Belesco & AmBIENCe joint event
20 April, 2021, 10am – 12 pm (CET)
Active building Energy Performance Contracting (AEPC)
New EPC Business Models and Market Opportunities for ESCOs, with flexibility and demand response in buildings
The Belgian ESCO Association (BELESCO) and the consortium partners of the H2020-funded AmBIENCe project are joining forces in a joint webinar on the Active building Energy Performance Contracting (AEPC) model developed by AmBIENCe, which combines the strength of Energy Performance Contracting with the valorization of energy demand response and flexibility in commercial, public and residential buildings.
In this webinar we will discuss:
- What is the AEPC concept?
- What are the Business Models developed in the AmBIENCe project?
- What role can ESCOs plays as aggregators of flexibility?
- What is the AEPC market potential for ESCO and EPC Project facilitators?
- What is the impact of the new capacity tariffs?
- What is the ESCO’s perspective on the flexibility potential in buildings?
- How is the AEPC model being tested and validated in pilot projects in Belgium?
In addition to hearing from key experts in the sector, you will also be able to engage with them in the discussion.